Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Ho! Ho! Ho! Brianna! Congratulations Brianna!! You really are so good that you should be the angel on top of the tree! Everyone at the North Pole, including me, is very proud of you Brianna! Keep up the wonderful work! Merry Christmas!
So, I answered all the questions truthfully and got an A+! My room is kinda messy, but I can atleast see the floor. Its different in school, I am so neat and organized, and at home I am not. I hate lying. It is one of my biggest pet peeve is a person who lies. You should just tell the truth because whoever you are lying to, will find out eventually that you lied, so why not just tell the truth then and there. Sometimes when people wait to tell the truth, they get in even more trouble. I always leave santa chocolate chip cookies made from scratch by me, and a nice glass of milk. I always leave a couple of carrots out for the reindeer too. I share almost all the time. The only things that I do not share are my most prise possesions or my most personal items, but everything else I share. I hate sharing my cell phone with other people because I am a big germaphobic and I hate when other people use my cell phone. I have been a very nice girl. I am practically an angel.

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