Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Hamster that lived in a Boot* on the Riverbank Chapter 5 and 6 and Hammy's Journal

Chapter 5: Martha, GP, Wise Old Frog and Turtle Build Hammy a Home
When Martha and Hammy got back to Martha's house, Hammy said, "Martha, I do not have a place to live."
"You could live with me Hammy," said Martha.
"Thank you Martha for the nice offer, but I would like a place of my own," replied Hammy.
The next day Martha,Wise Old Frog, Turtle, and GP, and the rest of Martha's friends gathered by the riverbank to have a meeting about getting Hammy Hamster a house. Everybody agreed to get him a home.
"We don't have anything for Hammy to live in!" said Martha Mouse.
Then they all thought for a moment.
Then Martha said, "We will go look for something that Hammy could live in."
The next day, Martha, GP, Turtle and Wise Old Frog went out searching for something that Hammy could live in. Later that day, Martha, GP, Turtle and Wise Old Frog found something for Hammy to live in. It was a boot! It was atleast something big enough that he could live in.
GP started to make things for Hammy's house that night. GP made a bed, a table, some chairs, windows, a balcony and a door. The next day Hammy woke up and wondered when he would find a house. He didn't know that his friends were building one for him. That past night, Hammy stayed in Martha's house. When she woke up in the morning, she went over to Hammy and said, "Hammy, I have a surprise for you!"
Hammy said, "I wonder what it will be!"
"Come with me and I will show you. Cover your eyes," said Martha.
Hammy went with Martha outside. While they were walking outside, Martha said, "Now Hammy, keep your eyes closed." When they finally got there, Martha told Hammy to open his eyes.
Hammy opened his eyes and said, "Oh my gosh! It's beautiful! Thank you all so much! I love it!"
When he got inside he, walked around and then he went upstairs, went into his bed, curled up and went to sleep.

Chapter 6: Hammy and His New Home
When Hammy woke up the next morning, he went downstairs to eat some breakfast. He went to the cabinets and he found some oats. He ate them and then went out to Martha's. When he got to Martha's he said, "Thank you so much for my own house! I love it! It remind me of my old home back in the forest."
Martha replied, "Is that a bad thing? Are you sure you like it?"
Hammy said, "Yes, I love it! No, it's not a bad thing. That's what makes me feel like I 'm home. It reminded me of what home really felt like. It was warm and cozy, just like my old house in the forest. I love it so much! Once again thank you!"
"Well, I'm glad you like it. GP made all of your furniture. He did a really good job I assure," Martha said.
"Yes he did! I love my bed, but I really must get home. I have to clean up because it s a little messy from breakfast."
"I will see you later Hammy!" said Martha.
" Bye," replied Hammy.
After Hammy said goodbye to Martha, he went home and cleaned up and then went to bed. He loves his new house very much!

Hammy's Journal

July 17th
Dear Journal,
I just arrived on the riverbank. I met so many friends. I met Martha Mouse, Turtle the turtle, GP the guines pig, Wise Old Frog the frog and squirrel. I am so happy that I found Martha because I could have been really lost if I did not find her chimney. They say GP is the smartest on the whole riverbank. Also, Wise Old Frog, they say he is very wise. Maybe that is why his name is Wise Old Frog. All my friends built me a special house to live in. They are amazing friends. I love the riverbank. I really and truly enjoy it here!
Hammy the Hamster

1 comment:

CWJess08 said...

Hey Bri, its Jess W.
You're blog looks really good! How do you get all of those little things on the side of your profile page?

You're story was cute too. =] I like the Hammy guy. You have to share with me all of your HTML secrets! (I thought I knew alotbut i guess I don't lol.) And keep up with your Hammy story. It's really cute! =)