Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Hampster that lived in a Boot on the Riverbank Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Hammy Meets GP the Guinea Pig
Martha and Hammy kept riding upstream in the little boat. Then they came to GP's old mill. Inside, GP was having a little leaking problem. His old wheel had stopped turning. Martha and Hammy knocked on the door, and GP came and answered it and told them to please come in.
"What happened GP?" said Martha.
"My house is leaking" replied GP.
Then Hammy went outside wondering what that big turning thing was on the side of GP's house. It was his water wheel. Hammy was covered in ashes and soot from head to tail. When he saw the wheel, he decided to climb to the top of the wheel because he saw why the water wheel was not turning. There was a whole bunch of sticks and twigs and stones inside where the water wheel needed to turn. Hammy screamed down to GP, " So that's why the roof has water coming through." Hammy went to the first section and cleared that away. Then he went to the next section and cleared that away. Then he went to the final section and cleared that away.
"How do I get down from here? Hmm. I know. I will use the water wheel." Hammy got down and went back inside to GP. GP thanked Hammy for clearing out his water wheel so that it worked again, and his roof was not getting wet.
Then GP looks at Hammy and says, "Hammy, you're not dirty any more, but you are soaking wet."
GP got Hammy a towel. Then Hammy curled up in it and dozed off. When he woke up, GP said, "Thanks a lot once again!"
Then Hammy and Martha got back in the boat and went upstream back to Martha's house.

1 comment:

cwzane08 said...

didnt they make a show called once upon a hamster that was just like this?