Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Air Force base

My family lives on an air force base, so everyday I hear the planes’ engines roaring. I sit in my living room and as I try to watch my favorite television channel, comedy central. I was watching my all time favorite ventriloquist, Jeff Dunham, and all I hear was that as the plane started to head down the long black runway, and its engines were roaring so loud that my house started to shake. I yelled to my mom, “Mom, the house is shaking again. Doesn’t that give you any clue that we really move away from here?”
“Well sweetheart, right now there is no extra money to go out looking for a house. I am still trying to find another job, and your father’s paychecks go towards the bills and groceries.” My mom said. “So for now, we are stuck in this house until we start to get more money coming into this family. I’m sorry sweetheart.”
“It’s okay mom. There is really nothing you could do about it. It’s not your fault that the job you were working went out of business. You didn’t know that when you applied there way back when.” I said.
“Hey, lets’ not go there, alright? I do not want to start a fight.” replied my mom.
“Sorry mommy,” I replied.
“It’s okay sweetheart.” She replied.
I returned back to the living room, and continued to watch my show. Then after a while, I got bored so I decided to go for a walk. I walked over to the air force base, and went inside the building to see Harry, the owner of the air force base.
“Hey Harry.” I said. “How are you today?”
“I’m good Julietta, how are you?” said Harry.
“I’m great. I came over to see what is up over here. I heard the jets of the airplanes shaking my house.’ I said.
“Oh, well sorry about that,” said Harry.
“It’s okay. There is nothing you could do about it.” I said. “Well I have to get going now. I will talk to you later.”
“Bye.” said Harry.
I walked back home again, sat on my couch in my big spacious room, turned on my humongous screen television and started watching a movie. I somehow turned the noise of the jets out of my head from then on whenever I was inside my house. From that day forward, I never heard the jets. I got used to the noise after a while, so I just tuned it out of my head.

1 comment:

CWJordan08 said...

You're book review of The Princess Diaries sounds so good. I want really want to pick up the series. I was once hooked on the Series of Unfortunate Events and ended up reading the entire series... 3 times. But, since then I like have a phobia of reading series now. Haha. But, you made it sound so interesting. And i saw the movies, which I also loved. Although I must admit... books are always better than the movie. So, I really think I'm going to start reading it!