Sunday, November 2, 2008

My narrative essay

It was a snowy cold December morning, and as I walked to my bus stop, I wondered what my mom would be getting me for Christmas. She told me it would be something special, if I get rid of some things I love. It was the most wonderful time of the year, and c'mon, who deosnt love Christmas, besides the Grinch. It's the most beautiful scene, especially if there is snow. Even if there was no snow, the scenes of the lights on the houses that are all decorated are beautiful. As I sit on the bus, I just keep thinking and thinking. As I arrive to school, I walk off the bus; inside the school, I go to my locker, then I go to my homeroom.
All day i just sit there and I daydream, and wonder what she could be possibly get me for Christmas, and what was that one or couple of things I have to get rid of. Then, as I was thinking, my teacher Mrs. Mercready was trying to call on me. She was sitting there saying, "Brianna, what is a molecular compound?' and of course because I was in my own land, i didnt hear her. So, Mrs. Mercready sat there saying, "Brianna, Brianna, Are you okay?'
Then I finally snapped out of it, and said, "Oh sorry, I was just daydreaming about Christmas. It's my most favorite time of the year! I love spending time with my family. Some people like Christmas just for the presents, but not me. I love it because of the family bonding time."
"That's okay, but lets get back to chemistry now," said Mrs. mercready pleasantly.
I told her I was sorry and I began to pay attention. The next period, in gym, I began to daydream again, and the next thing I knew, I got hit in the face really har by a volleyball. My gym teacher Mr. Peterson came over to me and said, "Brianna, Are you okay? You jsut got hit pretty hard in the face with a volleyball. Are you sure you don't want to go to the nurse?"
I told him, "I'm okay. The side of my face kinda hurts pretty bad, and I have a splitting headache."
So again he asked me, "Would you like to go to the nurse? I will give you a pass so that you could go."
"No, I am good," I said. "I really don't like to go to the nurse unless it is an emergency. I will just rest in my next period class. Thanks for caring though." And he walked away. The rest of the day I just kept daydreaming and getting in trouble.
At the end of the school day, I go to my locker, get my homework and walk out to my bus. As I was on my way to my bus, my friend Katie stops me and asks, "Bri, are you okay? You have been getting hurt, and in trouble all day."
So I nicely tell her, "Yes I am okay. I have just been thinking about what my mom was going to get me for Christmas and she said it would be something special if I got rid of one or a couple of things that I loved."
"Oh, okay," Katie said. "Well, I will see you later."
I said "Okay, bye." and we both walked to our buses, and got on. When I got home from school, I found my mom cleaning my room getting rid of some old things. I walked over to the box, and lying there right on top was my American girl dolls. I walked over to my mom and said, "Mom, why are my American girl dolls in a box?"
She said, "Remember I told you that in order to get your special Christmas present you have to get rid of a couple of things? Well, I picked the couple old things out. These are all the toys that you don't need anymore."
Then I said, "But mom, I really wanted t collect them. Why are you getting rid of them?'
Then she said," Because you are 16 years old,and you shouldn't be collecting or playing with dolls anymore. You need to grow up. You are a junior in high school. There is a little girl out there somewhere who doesn't even have a doll."
Then I said, " Well instead of getting rid of them or selling them to a stranger, couldn't I just give them to little cousin Keryn? She loves to play with them and collect them,and besides she is only 9."
"Sure," my mom replied.
So the rest of the day, I spent my time playing with them for the last time. I din't care how old I was, no one is too old for dolls. I sat there and played with them as if they were my daughters. I changed their outfits, and did their hair so that it looked really nice. The next day, I took my dolls, and put them on my bed. Then, I took the beds that I had for them, and put them in the bottom of the box. After that, I took all the clothes I had for my American girl dolls, folded them neatly, and put them into the box. Then as I said goodbye to my dolls, I put them into the box one by one. As I was putting them into the box, I began to cry. I shut the box, and carried it out of my room. As I was walking out of my room, I saw my mom standing by the doorway in my room.
"Bri, are you going to be okay?" my mom said. "I know it's hard to get rid of something you love, but you have to have to do it sometime, and you know that they are going to a great home. Your little cousin will take great care of them. Snd think about it, now you will be getting something special for Christmas.
"I know," I said. "But I really loved them, and they kept me busy, and company when I was all alone or grounded."
"I know, honey," my mom said. "But you have to say goodbye to them sometime."
"I know," I said. "I guess they will be in a great place. Keryn loves the American girl dolls she has now. I know she will love mine just the same. And I even have the three dolls, and the two beds, and some clothes that she doesn't have."
After that, my mom had me put the box in the car. We sat down and talked for a while, hugged and cuddled. Then she drove me over to my Aunt's house. When I gave keryn the box, she quickly opened it, and when she saw what was inside, she had a really big smile on her face. I was glad to see the smile on her face when I gave her the box. i definately knew this was the best home for my American girl dolls, and I couldn't wait for Christmas to see what my special Christmas present was going to be. When Christmas morning arrived, I opened my present, and it was the motorized scooter with a seat that I have been begging my mom to get me! I was so excited.

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