Sunday, October 19, 2008

Coffeehouse show Practice

So on Friday, we had our first tech rehearsal for the Coffeehouse show that is on Wednesday, October 22nd at 7pm. This practice was the first time I saw all the acts that will be in the show, and they are all amazing! I dont want to ruin any of the funny acts, so whoever wants to know, has to come see the show! :-) I can only talk about the dances that I am in, because that is how I am. LOL. well i can say the two dances I am in, Monster Mash and Thriller, are simply amazing, and we have an amazing choreographer. She has put a lot of hours in to come teach us dances, and work with us so that the dances do look good. and I have to say, we do! Well, there is a scene called the Bells, and the ending freaked me out, and i even started to cry. It was scary! Well, that is all I can really say about the show. We have our first dress rehearsal tomorrow. Which i cannot wait for. If you wanna know anything else that goes on in the show you have to come see it :-)


cwzane08 said...

i sure am glad that show is over, I was so tired from our 5 PM rehearsals.

CWJordan08 said...

I heard the coffeehouse was amazing. One of my friends actaully wants to get involved in the play because he loves how good things that like turn out. I don't think he will- but I'm not doubting him. Haha. I'm sure you did amazing yourself. And that whole dancing thing is crazy. I wish I was that passionate about something. I get bored too easily. I played soccer my whole life- then quit last year. I loved it, but I just didn't want to do to anymore. But, over the past few years I picked up a passion for running and snowboarding... And the Breast Cancer Walk was so fun. I love doing things like that. Sorry to hear about those with cancer =( I know how you feel though.