Thursday, October 30, 2008

Be Kind to Arachnids this week....

Why be kind to them? Because what did they ever do to you. Well okay, well some bite, but usually they are only the poisonous ones, so you can kill those ones. the other spiders just wanna live and have a nice life. If one gets in your way, try to help it and move it, but do not kill it. My sister and I name the spiders that are outside our house in their webs. WE love to make up all different names such as Billy Bob, Billy Bob Jr., Sir Billy Bob and all kinds of other silly names. This week, i have brought in something everyday for be kind to arachnids week, and I won my spider ring on the second day, along with my baby spider, and this weekend I am going to make my baby spider a house, just like I did last year, and enter it in the contest. I was also spider queen last year in my theatre arts 1st period class.
Now I want to end this post with the Be Kind to Arachniids week song:
dah Dah Dah Da DA DA
Be Kind to Arachnids this week
For those 8 legged friends are our brothers.
Be kind to the spiders and mites
Though they may make you die of fright. Ahh!
Dont forget to be kind to your bug
when you see him give him a giant
For this is his be kind to week
And he will live always forever and forever. YAY!

~Spider Queen of Creative writing 2008-2009 period 3... Brianna

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Hate Homework!

Well, today I did not feel so great when I got home from school, so instead of doing my homework, I decided to go to sleep instead and pray I felt better when I woke up from my 2 hour nap. Well. I didn't, but I had to go to dance because I missed last week because of the Haunted Coffeehouse show. I cannot miss more than 3 of my ballet company classes because it is a competition class, and we signed contracts. The same goes for my jazz and tap class I had tonight too. If I miss more then 3 non made up regular ballet classes, I will be kicked off the competition team, and I love competition, so i would rather not get kicked off. So anyway back to what I was saying, so when I woke up, it was 4:30, and I had dance at 5, and I still had to eat dinner, so there was no time to do it then. I danced from 5-9:30, and then I didn't get home until 11 because my mom had to pay her bills using my grandfather's computer at my dance school. I kept reminding my mom that I still had to do all my homework. So, now it is 1:05 am, and I am finally done with my creative writing story, chemistry homework and spanish homework. I had to write my whole essay tonight because i kept putting it off until last minute, and I also had to type it al up tonight. Well I really need to take a shower still, make my lunch for tomorrow and go to bed. I am frozen. Goodnight.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Coffeehouse show Practice

So on Friday, we had our first tech rehearsal for the Coffeehouse show that is on Wednesday, October 22nd at 7pm. This practice was the first time I saw all the acts that will be in the show, and they are all amazing! I dont want to ruin any of the funny acts, so whoever wants to know, has to come see the show! :-) I can only talk about the dances that I am in, because that is how I am. LOL. well i can say the two dances I am in, Monster Mash and Thriller, are simply amazing, and we have an amazing choreographer. She has put a lot of hours in to come teach us dances, and work with us so that the dances do look good. and I have to say, we do! Well, there is a scene called the Bells, and the ending freaked me out, and i even started to cry. It was scary! Well, that is all I can really say about the show. We have our first dress rehearsal tomorrow. Which i cannot wait for. If you wanna know anything else that goes on in the show you have to come see it :-)


I am a happy little princess,
No, I am not a mistress.
I love to sing,
But, I do not want to make your ears ring.

My passion is dance,
No, not with a partner named Lance.
I love to tap,
and of course, not on your lap.
I love to do jazz,
but not like Taz.
Ballet is fun,
and I love it a ton.
Acro is another passion,
and no its not a fashion.
Pointe is almost like ballet,
except you're on your toes, and its not like valet.

I am a happy little princess,
Sometimes I get what i want,
When I dont, I still am a princess,
And I am happy all the time.

The meaning of my name :-)

Never naughty O :-)
Always loving


Why doesnt she like me as a friend anymore?
We have been friends since we were 2.
Why does she make up an exucse everytime i ask her to hang out?
Why would you sit there and lie to your best friend?
I know I wouldn't. I would be a true friend.
"You're a true friend, You're here till the end, You pull me aside, When something ain't right, Talk with me now and into the night, 'Til it's alright again, You're a true friend"- Hannah Montana
"True friends will go to the end of the earth, Till they find the thing you need, Friends hang on through the ups and the downs, Cause they've got someone to believe in"- Hannah Montana
I guess we arent friends anymore.
Should I shut her out of my life?
or stay friends with her?
I do not know what to do.
We have been friends for so long, and people do change,
Will she ever be my friend again?
I would love to be friends with her again.
We have had so much fun, and too many good times together.
I just wish we could be friends again, and start hanging out again.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Journal: October 16, 2008

So, today is October 16, 2008. This week is going by so fast. Monday, we didnt have school, Tuesday, went by really fast, Wednesday we had the psats which stank! I hate testing it is so boring. Well atleast next year i dont have to take them and i get to sleep in late! WOOT!! well last night i had dance. I had jazz from 5-630, and my aunt told us that we are going to be doing 2 jazz dances. One will be with a little spanish twist in it, and the other dance is The Nicest Kids in Town from hairspray, and we are going to use the same costumes from when we did Hairspray last year. Then the next class, i had tap from 630-730. We have been working on the same combination from the first day of dance. We just cant seem to finish it. lol. Then from 730-830, I had ballet company, which is the ballet competition team at my dance school. We worked hard, and even though there are different age levels in he class, everyone worked equally. Then from 830-930, i had my regular ballet class. We worked on pique turns and double pirouette turns. It was a fun night. Well, The Haunted coffeehouse show is in a week, and i cant wait! We have been working so hard on this show. Hopefully it comes out really good, and entertaining. Thriller and Monster Mash are the best. I love us dancers and also the CREEPERS ARE AMAZING!!!!!!