Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas break is over!

I can't believe that Christmas break is over. Where did the time go? THis break went by way to fast. And it already 2009? Wow. Time really flies. This break did not seem long at all. It was too short. I think we should not go to school for 9 and a half months, and only have 2 and a half months to ourselves. We need way more time off. 180 days of school is too much. We should only have to go to school for 100 days! That would be amazing. So anyway, back to my topic. Didn't it seem like this break was only like 4 days long? I went ice skating twice, and thats all I did this break besides take care of my sister who had her tonsels taken out december 29, 2008. Well, anyway, today is a bad day. A person who helped my bosses' family run the boardwalk, died today. This summer, his cancer came back, and it started to kill him. Right after christmas, he was put into the hospital and went into a coma. They put him on life support too, and today, the hospital pulled the plug because he was showing no signs of improvement. It was a bad day for me. R.I.P Joe 1-4-09 You are loved and will be missed very much!!!!!!!!! 0:-)

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